
Silent Content Creation Hack: Hook Your Audience

How can some content just hook you? What's the content creation hack behind it?

The shocking truth is that 90% of creators fail in this. So today, I will share a silent content creation hack that hooks your audience. And show how you can use it too!

The silent content creation hack that makes or breaks your success

What if I told you that just saying it right can bring you thousands of views? Exactly! The silent content creation hack behind it is your title. 

Here are 4 tips to craft a hooking title.

1. Keep it short. 

Use <50 characters. This avoids your title being visually cut off and keeps it clear. No need to waste time on reading the title.

2. Hook with emotions.
Build up your title based on these 3 catchy emotions: fear, desire, and curiosity. Believe it or not, but these are the strongest emotions you can use to spark audience interest. 

3. Use power words.
Something has to get the click. It’s okay to exaggerate. You don’t want to be mediocre here. Words like shocking, stunning, devastating, unbelievable, the best/worst etc. will set your title apart.

4. Target and be accurate.
Narrow your title down to a market, niche, customer segment, etc. Keep it accurate, because too generic titles don't speak to anyone.

Just remember, your intro and the rest of the content have to deliver on the title.

How to use this content creation hack

So, how should I craft my titles? Let's use CRM software category as an example.

  1. Comparison of different CRM software providers - WEAK

  2. Experts' choice: best CRM software for beginners - STRONG

Do you see what I did there? Used the tips above.

  • Kept it <50 characters.
  • Used emotions - "experts' choice" refers that I can trust this, it's approved by industry experts.
  • Used power words - "best".
  • Targeted - the beginner segment.

What will help you craft your titles is doing some basic YouTube or Google research and finding the best performing titles in your niche and topic.

I suggest that you create a title bank, just like we talked about building your idea bank in the post about brainstorming steps to boost your content creation process. You can use my title checklist template to hit it off. Try it out and let me know how you get on!

Want to take your content creation even further?

If you found this content useful, you should check out this post about what you might be doing wrong in content creation to miss out on 90% of views.

What if I told you these minor changes in content creation can explode your brand? 

If you want to grow your brand with some simple hacks anyone can do, let me know. Get a head start, because many tech companies are missing out on this!

Are you ready to shift gears? I’d be happy to help you out with content strategy and copywriting.

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