Is Your Sourcing as Efficient as It Could Be?
Any recruiter knows that sourcing candidates is a hassle.
Recruiters spend about 30% of their workweek on sourcing per role. The good news is, there’s a way out.
Unlock 70% of the Job Market and Step Up Sourcing Efficiency
Here's how.
- Use the right tools. This can reduce the time spent on recruitment remarkably. Technologies from web extensions to AI can speed up your sourcing process.
- Tap into networks. Any recruiter knows that networking is key to qualified candidates. That includes proactive outreach to passive candidates who have the right skills, but aren't looking for a job right now.
- Access 70% more talent. That huge amount of the job market is passive. You can access it if you know where to seek. Platforms like LinkedIn, tech job boards, GitHub, GitHub awards, etc., are a great way to start.
Access Tech Talents in Any Market You Like
That's exactly what our clients get.
We've hired talents in 40 countries across the world.
What if You Could Recruit Top-Tier Talent and Build Your Brand?
In this case, 1 + 1 can be 11. By joining recruitment and marketing, you can level up talent acquisition.
It’s all about timing - reaching the right talent with the right message at the right time.
Here's why employer branding works in sourcing.
Better visibility - improve your brand presence among targeted talents.
Better engagement - attract top talent by understanding what matters to them and match their desires in your team.
- Faster recruitment cycles - speed up the hiring process. Be proactive by using brand messaging already upon candidate outreach.
We can help you get your brand message in front of the right talent. What's holding you back?
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Don't Just Take Our Word for It!
Crowdly Has Sourced Talents from Europe and Africa to North-America
Our sourcing makes sure you're doing it right. You get the full experience - from initial outreach to delivering hot leads. We handle everything.
Outreach to a large number of passive candidates.
Access to any market you like.
Personalised, branded messages to your targeted talent pool.
Hot leads on your table in 2 weeks.
How Can I Help?
I'd be happy to explore how I could help your team grow.
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