
7 Content Creation Tips to Improve Brand Visibility

What if I told you there's better way to improve brand visibility?

Stuffing your content with keywords won’t get the results you deserve. I’ll explain what will. I'll answer how to create content that grabs the attention of the audience and algorithm. If you make it to the deep end, you'll get 1 extra payoff to improve brand visibility!

How can content creation improve brand visibility?

Let's get it 
straight. Creating content is one of the few ways to connect with your target audience and build trust. But as I already mentioned, relying heavily on keyword stuffing in content is not the shortcut to improve brand visibility. Why?

These days, people are all about authenticity. They don't trust corporations or big brands. People need to feel connected to your content; feel like you're actually solving their problem. Trust me, that will not happen if they perceive your content as being created for a text crawling robot. 

At the end of the day, it's about creating quality content that grabs audience attention and is easy to digest. Here are 7 content creation tips + 1 extra on how to do it.

#1 tip to improve brand visibility: keyphrases

When crafting your content, use long-tail strategic keywords. That is, instead of saying "CRM software", use the phrase "CRM software for small business". It's targeted and defines audience interest more precisely.

You can use Google search autocomplete and Google Keyword Tool to define these. I won't go into too much detail here, but feel free to dig into my post about great free content creation tools to research audience interest.

Now that you've got your keyphrases, sprinkle them into your title, headings, and copy.

#2 tip to improve brand visibility: skimmability

Skimmability means how easy it is to read and understand your content in a  glimpse. To achieve that, keep your sentences short, approximately 100 characters. Make sure your paragraphs don't exceed 3-4 rows. 

Leave some air in between, so viewers have time to digest your content. In this case, a light snack is way more delicious than a heavy steak dinner.

#3 tip to improve brand visibility: user experience 

You got 2-3 seconds to grab audience attention. The second they land on your web page, they must get the value upfront. If people realise the benefits early on, they'll stick around.

That's why you should be meticulous in creating a great user experience. Your success in this comes down to structuring your content: intro, 3-5 key paragraphs, conclusion. 

In this case, your intro is the straw that can break the camel's back. The golden rule is that your intro has to set the stage for the rest of your story. Make sure you:

  • address why you're covering this idea;
  • define key topics;
  • set expectations how you’ll cover the topics;
  • overdeliver with extra payoffs.
If you want to know more how to earn audience attention with a killer content creation component called intro, you can dive into my blog post. 

#4 tip to improve brand visibility: hooks 

Hook and rehook your audience now and then. Keep them alert and engaged throughout your content. Pose intriguing questions or state shocking facts that makes them stop and think. This helps massively with grabbing attention and retention.  

#5 tip to improve brand visibility: linking

You want your audience to get the full experience, right? You can make their journey more complete by drowning them into your content ecosystem. Sounds like a true crime scene?! Not to worry.

You should aim for creating a network effect and build connections throughout your content. Either refer to what you’ve said earlier in the post or video, or link to your other content. 

The algorithm highly rewards it if you connect content through linking. It sends a signal that you're specialised in it, and adds depth and value for the audience.

#6 tip to improve brand visibility: curiosity gap

Open information loops along the way. Throw in open questions that you'll cover later on in your content. These can be snippets that fuel your audience's desire to learn more or educate them right then and there. Something along the lines of, “Did you know ...? Have you thought of ...? What if I told you...?” 

Curiosity gaps are another great way to improve retention. They're helpful in ensuring that the audience will remember your content even after leaving your website or channel. Maybe they'll even talk about it to their friend and you'll get some valuable word-of-mouth recommendations or new followers.

#7 tip to improve brand visibility: call to action

Don't forget to end each one of your posts or videos with a call to action. Shout out what you expect the audience to do next. 

This is a unique chance to get more eyes! For example, encourage your audience to read more of your content using the reeling hack. Just like I described in our post about content creation hacks to improve retention. If you have an active campaign or are looking for sign-ups, ask the audience to do just that.

Extra tip to improve brand visibility: define audience payoff

How can I make sure that the audience stays until the end? The secret is to bring them on a journey with you. Here's how.

Early on, set a goal for your content. What's the final payoff it has to deliver for your audience? What should they learn or gain after engaging with it? Keep this payoff in mind all the way till the end. Your story is the journey to this payoff.

Final destination: improved brand visibility

All these tips pay off if you want to improve brand visibility. It's a complete approach to content creation, which is the main tool in designing your public image and brand recognition.

There's no silver bullet to fame. It's rather a skill of combining these content creation tips to arrive at the final destination.

Here's a quick checklist for you that might be helpful in creating content to improve brand visibility. Grab it now and let me know how you get on!

Want to take your content creation even further?

If you found this content useful, you should check out this full guide on how to reinvent your content creation process. You might find more useful tips that can skyrocket your brand visibility.

What if I told you these minor changes in content creation can explode your brand?

If you want to grow your brand with some simple hacks anyone can do, let me know. Get a head start, because many tech companies are missing out on this!

Are you ready to shift gears? I’d be happy to help you out with content strategy and copywriting.

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