
Avoiding This in Content Creation Can Hold Back 90% of Views

The harsh truth: we're holding back 90% of views by ignoring this in content creation.

What if I told you that you can save a 1/10 blog post or video? Let’s dive into how top creators use this content creation superpower to hook their audience. You'll even get a checklist how you can do it too!

Intro makes or brakes your success in content creation

Your intro is the hook that gives the audience a reason to stay. No matter if you make written or video content, you must build it up in a way that glues your audience. If you can't deliver the value of your content upfront in the intro, you've failed the mission from the get-go.

Think of your content this way:

  • title - what?
  • thumbnail - how?
  • intro - why?

What your content creation should look like

To get the views you deserve, your title and thumbnail should walk the audience into the intro, which has to hook, give context, and overdeliver.

Let's unravel this.

  • Hook 

You must match the expectations set in the title and thumbnail right away. Your first sentence should push the right buttons for the audience to continue reading or watching. Play with emotions. Tell them what they will win or learn if they follow this content. Pose the right question to make the audience curious.

For example, this is pure brilliance from a video on Beast Philanthropy channel

"Giving 20,000 Shoes To Kids In Africa". The first sentence locks you in.

"For hundreds of thousands of kids in South Africa, the only thing standing between them and an education is a simple pair of shoes."

  • Give context

Set the stage of what your story is about and how you’ll cover the idea. Build curiosity gaps in a few sentences. That is, open information loops that you'll answer later in your content.

  • Overdeliver 

Surprise your audience! Offer them a couple of cheeky surprises that will get them more than expected. It might be an extra learning, a freebie, exclusive offer, etc. Make them feel that their time is well spent and they'll get more value if they stick with you.

Content creation shortcut to unlock more views

Most importantly, answer this: what reason did I give to read or watch my content? Keep that "why" in mind when you craft your intros, but also throughout your content creation process.

So, there you go. To make it easier, feel free to use my intro checklist template to hit it off. Check it out and let me know how you get on!

Want to take your content creation even further?

If you found this content useful, you should check out this silent content creation hack to hook your audience.

What if I told you these minor changes in content creation can explode your brand?

If you want to grow your brand with some simple hacks anyone can do, let me know. Get a head start, because many tech companies are missing out on this!

Are you ready to shift gears? I’d be happy to help you out with content strategy and copywriting.

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