
3 Steps to Boost Tech Recruitment Efficiency

What’s holding back your tech recruitment efficiency?

How much effort do you put into preparing your candidates to maximise the results of job interviews? I’ll share useful tips on how to unlock the best tech talent and give a practical exercise that helps you get there.

Candidates’ stress levels affect your tech recruitment efficiency

A bold statement, but actually true. Stress can deeply affect how your candidates think and respond at job interviews. The anxiety and pressure to perform at our best elevates the production of stress hormone, cortisol, in our brain. How can you downplay the cortisol effect?

To maximise your tech recruitment efficiency, you should always pay attention to making the interview environment as friendly and stress-free as possible. But you want to get the most out of these tech talents, don’t you? So, the interview shouldn’t be just a walk in the park, but rather show the candidate’s full potential.

Now, we’ve come to these so-called stress interviews that reveal candidates' abilities in a different environment.

Here’s a great stress interview example by Elon Musk. Elon is known for his unconventional interview questions to gauge candidates’ creativity, problem-solving ability, and pressure tolerance. One of his famous questions is, “If you had a machine that could change the size of a penguin, what would you do with it, and how would it help the penguin?” Not a typical software engineering challenge, right?!

3 steps to boost your tech recruitment efficiency

Here are some practical steps to override the cortisol effect and unlock candidates’ full potential.

#1 step to boost tech recruitment efficiency: overcome fight-or-flight situations

Imagine this: your candidate sits down for an interview, lightly blushing, palms sweating, heart racing. They’re not just nervous, they’re in survival mode.That’s because our brain releases cortisol to prepare for a perceived threat. Cortisol impairs memory recall and decision-making, so even the simplest questions might be tough to answer. During an interview, this fight-or-flight response does more harm than good.

If you’re aware of this, you can calm the candidate down and make them feel safe to help them perform at their fullest.

#2 step to boost tech recruitment efficiency: override mental blocks

When the candidate freezes mid-answer, blame cortisol. If our brain is flooded with stress hormones, it diverts resources away from higher-level thinking to focus on immediate survival. This makes it hard to think clearly, recall past experiences, or come up with creative solutions.

If you’re prepared for this, you know how to handle such situations and unlock candidates’ creativity.

#3 step to boost tech recruitment efficiency: notice emotional reactions

When cortisol levels spike, our emotional regulation can suffer. The candidate might come across as less confident or more defensive, not because they’re unqualified, but because their brain is overwhelmed by stress.

Take notice of this and follow such situations up with a light-hearted question or a friendly joke.

How to maximise tech recruitment efficiency at job interviews?

In fact, there is a way to maximise your job interview results. The key to that is making the conversation as comfortable as possible for your candidate. Lucky for you, there’s a scientifically proven method for that. Do you want to know how you can decrease the cortisol effect?

The answer is actually really simple. It`s deep breathing. Deep rhythmic breathing has a physiological effect on our body, calming us down, and lowering our heart rate and cortisol levels we talked about earlier.

There’s an exercise you can share with your candidates to prepare them for a great job interview. It works every time, no matter how stressful or stress-free the interview will end up being.

Box breathing is an effective breathing exercise for energy regulation, used even by Navy SEALs.

Feel free to get my template to help you boost tech recruitment efficiency and unlock the real potential of your candidates. Get it now and let me know how you’ll do!


Want to take your tech recruitment even further?

If you found this content useful, check out this post about how to improve sourcing efficiency and unlock 80% of your talent pool.

What if I told you these minor changes in tech recruitment can get the talents you deserve?

If you want to reach the best talents, some simple tech recruitment hacks can help you get there. Let me know if you’re up for a head start, because many tech companies are missing out on this!

Are you ready to shift gears? I’d be happy to help you out with tech recruitment and sourcing.


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